Experimental Simulation of ZigBee’s Multi-hops Wireless Sensor Network Using OPNET

Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is developed based on IEEE 802.15.4 consists of low-rate capabilities. The low-rate signifies the network is operated at low cost, using low power, and has nonexist physical topology infrastructure. Among the available technology is ZigBee, the most common standard of low-rate wireless sensor network. This work presents experimental simulations and analysis of ZigBee WSN using the OPNET network simulation tool. The work evaluates several configurations of ZigBee parameters particularly at the Physical, Media Access Control (MAC) and Application layers based on IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The objective of the study is to understand the OPNET modeler on how the connectivity is established between ZigBee devices. Further, the model of WSN scenarios are performed to understand the controlling parameter of how number of hops routing has the effects toward the end-to-end latency of ZigBee wireless sensor network.