Selected Records of Reptiles and Amphibians from Southeastern Kansas

HENRY H. HALL and HOBART M. SMITH* Kansas State Teachers College, Pittsburg,t and *Museum of Natural History, University of Kansas, Lawrence. Material accumulated in the Museum of Pittsburg State Teachers College by the senior author, from Labette, Crawford and Cherokee counties, includes three species of which specimens seem not to have been recorded previously from within the borders of Kansas. Records of these three species and certain other noteworthy occurrences are published here as a contribution to our knowledge of the herpetological fauna of the state. The locality data are supplied by Hall and the taxonomic data by Smith. All specimens, originally identified by Hall, have, with few exceptions, been checked by Smith, and certain specimens have been studied in detail. The specimen of Opheodrys vernalis blanchardi has not been seen by Smith. Unless otherwise specified, catalogue numbers are those of the Museum of Pittsburg State Teachers College. Necturus maculosus maculosus (Rafinesque)

[1]  P. B. P. Miscellaneous Notes , 1894, American Journal of International Law.