Bias-free reconfigurable magnonic phase shifter based on a spin-current controlled ferromagnetic resonator

Controllable phase modulation plays a pivotal role in the researches of magnonic logic gates. Here we propose a reconfigurable spin-current controlled magnonic phase shifter based on a ferromagnetic resonator. The proposed phase shifter requires no magnetic bias field during operation. The device is directly configured over the waveguide while keeping the original structure of the waveguide unaffected. Numerical micromagnetic simulations show that the phase shifter could yield either a {\pi}-phase or no shift depending on the magnetization status of the resonator, which can be controlled by a current pulse. Moreover, the phase-shifting operation could be affected by spin current. At different input current density, the device could be either used as a dynamic controlled phase shifter or a spin-wave valve. Finally, a XNOR magnonic logic gate is demonstrated using the proposed phase shifter. Our work can be a beneficial step to enhance the functionality and compatibility of the magnonic logic circuits.

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