NASA's Space Flight Resource Management Program: A Successful Human Performance Error Management Program

Space Flight Training Division Instructors at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) have combined human performance related error research with lessons from operational communities to develop Space Flight Resource Management (SFRM), a successful human-error-management training program. The vision of the SFRM program is to fully integrate human factors and technical training to such a degree that the process becomes part and parcel to the way crews and flight controllers are trained. All aspects of the SFRM program are practical, skill-based, and operationally relevant. The cornerstone of this program rests in its ability to facilitate, develop and reinforce the individual and team performance of NASA’s flight crews and Mission Control Center (MCC) flight controllers by establishing self-critiquing habit patterns. The SFRM program has emerged as part of an operational training philosophy, becoming the vehicle that has enabled Shuttle and International Space Station (ISS) flight crews and MCC flight controllers to effectively manage operational errors. This paper details the NASA SFRM program development and maturation. The successes, lessons learned, and recommendations have enormous implications to all manned space training. Moreover, these lessons can benefit other industries in that they directly apply to any team-oriented organization.