Genetics of obesity and type 2 diabetes: tracking pathogenic traits during the predisease period.

The modern generalization of sedentary life and caloric abundance has created new physiological conditions capable of changing the level of expression of a number of genes involved in fuel metabolism and body weight regulation. It is likely that the genetic variants or alleles of these genes have in the past participated in the adaptation of human physiology to its evolutionary constraints. The nature and prevalence of polymorphisms responsible for the quantitative variation of complex metabolic traits may have been different among human populations, depending on their environment and ancestral genetic background. These polymorphisms could likely explain differences in disease susceptibility and prevalence among groups of humans. From complex traits to potentially complex alleles, understanding the molecular genetic basis underlying quantitative variation will continue to be a growing concern among geneticists dealing with obesity and type 2 diabetes, the main fuel disorders of the modern era. Genomics and genetic epidemiology now allow high-level linkage and association studies to be designed. But the pooling of large trans-geographic cohorts may in fact increase the genetic heterogeneity of studied traits and dilute genotype-phenotype associations. In this article, we underscore the importance of selecting the traits to be subjected to quantitative genetic analysis. Although this is not possible for most other multifactorial diseases, obesity and type 2 diabetes can be subjected to a pregenetic dissection of complexity into simpler quantitative traits (QTs). This dissection is based on the pathogenic mechanisms, and the time course of the traits, and the individuals' age, within the predisease period rather than on descriptive parameters after disease diagnosis. We defend that this approach of phenotypes may ease future associations to be established between QTs of intermediate complexity and genetic polymorphisms.

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