Generalized Mu-Omega Method with Complex Perturbation to Dynamic Pressure

In the previous studies, a mu-omega method was presented and generalized with mixed real/complex dynamic pressure perturbation to improve mu’s continuity. mu-omega method simply utilizes frequency-domain mu analysis to make a flutter solution, thus its accuracy highly depends on mu’s continuity. However, only purely complex uncertainty theoretically guarantees the continuity of mu. In this paper, a generalized mu-omega method is established with purely complex perturbation to dynamic pressure, and a physical interpretation is given. Updated algorithm is formulated and validated by numerical examples. It is demonstrated that a generalized mu-omega method with purely complex perturbation to dynamic pressure is more applicable than the original real or mixed muomega method, and the conservatisms introduced by complex perturbation will reduce to a minimum as the initial guess airspeed approaches to the true flutter speed.