A useful procedure for the solution of time-optimal control problems for linear systems is presented. The procedure consists of a direct search method for the determination of the best diagonal weighting matrix used in a Liapunov function for the system. The control policy chosen to minimize the forward difference of the Liapunov function yields very rapid approach to the origin.
Numerical results are presented for a linear six-plate gas absorber to show the feasibility of the proposed method. Even in the presence of disturbances the system can be taken to and kept at the vicinity of the origin.
On presente une methode utile pour resoudre les problemes de reglage du temps optimal dans les systemes lineaires. Ladite methode consiste a faire une recherche directe pour determiner la meilleure matrice diagonale et ponderee qui est employee dans une fonction de Liapunov pour le systeme. La technique de contrǒle choisie pour minimiser la difference progressive de la fonction de Liapunov fournit un mode d'approche tres rapide au point d'origine.
On presente des resultats numeriques dans le cas d'un absorbeur de gaz a 6 plateaux, afin d'indiquer la praticabilite de la methode proposee. Měme en presence de perturbations, on peut conduire le systeme au point d'origine ou le garder dans le voisinage de celui-ci.
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An Automatic Method for Finding the Greatest or Least Value of a Function
Comput. J..
L. Lapidus,et al.
Dynamic control of chemical engineering processes using a method of Lyapunov
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The time-optimal control of discrete-time linear systems with bounded controls
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Time sub-optimal control of the gas absorber
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Application of numerical hill‐climbing in control of systems via Liapunov's direct method
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The computation of optimal singular bang‐bang control I: Linear systems
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Optimization by direct search and systematic reduction of the size of search region