Investigations of a SYNGAS-FIRED Gas Turbine Model Combustor by Planar Laser Techniques
In order to investigate the combustion behavior of gas turbine flames fired with low-caloric syngases, a model combustor with good optical access for confined, non-premixed swirl flames was developed. The measuring techniques applied were particle image velocimetry, OH* chemiluminescence detection and laser-induced fluorescence of OH. Two different fuel compositions of H2 , CO, N2 and CH4 , with similar laminar burning velocities, were chosen. Their combustion behavior was studied at two different pressures, two thermal loads and two combustion air temperatures. The overall lean flames (equivalence ratio 0.5) burned very stably and their shapes and combustion behavior were hardly influenced by the fuel composition or by the different operating conditions. The experimental results constitute a data-base that will be used for the validation of numerical combustion models and form a part of a co-operative EC project aiming at the development of highly efficient gas turbines for IGCC (Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle) power plants.Copyright © 2006 by ASME