Learning about Learning: Resources for Supporting Effective Learning

Part A:This Book is About Learning i.Why bother with this book? ii.What is in this book? iii.How might you use it? iv.Rationale v.Some permeating themes Part B.Workshop Activities for Teachers i.Where's the learner starting from? ii.Learning and 'motivation' iii.Learning styles - do we all learn in the same way? iv.Teachers and their pupils' learning styles v.Terms for learning activities vi.Learning in school and out vii.A closed problem viii.The six oranges puzzle ix.First steps in learning about learning xPromoting learning about learning, or meta-learning xi.What is an effective learner like? xii.Reflecting on your learning xiii.Developing meta-learning in your school Part C.Classroom Activities to Promote Learning About Learning i.Introduction ii.How do we learn best? iii.Time line of learning experiences iv.Learning strategy questionnaire v.Learning styles questionnaire vi.Beliefs about success vii.Handling feelings in learning miii.Defences against learning ix.Explaining your success x.Learning - in school and out xi.Learning situations - in school xii.Learning situations - beyond school xiii.Review of learning check list xiv.Keeping a learning file xv.Back to the future: exploring and planning possible routeways to your preferred future Part D.The Wider Context i.Parents ii.Parents and Learning iii.The whole-school picture iv.Developing a spiral curriculum for the whole school v.Pupil perspectives on learning Part E.Effective Learning: a research review i.What is learning? ii.What is involved? Models of learning iii.What is effective learning? iv.Effective learning in schools v.The challenge of effective learning: Questions adn reflections vi.Notes for Section E Part F. Further Reading i.Key texts on learning ii.Improving learning iii.Future iv.Important research articles v.NAPCE