By joint application of silicates and polymers or humates, a multifunctional, self-controlling chemical system is usually formed which works spontaneously even under harsh reservoir conditions, meanwhile the methods remain inexpensive, flexible and adaptable to any production technology. A concise of the diverse techniques, their principle and mainly field projects are discussed in the paper. It was shown that the silicates, combined with polymers and humates offer unique opportunity to cure numerous production/injection problems including water-shut-off, profile correction, clay stabilization, etc. in oil and gas fields and underground gas storage. Between 1980 and 1998 the field projects, comprising more than a hundred well treatments, yielded substantial additional oil production, life time of wells were extended and the overall profitability of the field was significantly increased, meanwhile environmentally friendly chemicals were used. Therefore, the Hungarian experts are convinced that the silicate-based methods as reasonable alternatives wherever and whenever the application of bulk or surface gelation or deposition is arising.