Precision agriculture: spatial and temporal variability of environmental quality. Symposium proceedings. Wageningen, The Netherlands, 21-23 January 1997.

Precision Agriculture: Introduction to the Spatial and Temporal Variability of Environmental Quality (J. Bouma). Spatial Variability of Soil Moisture Regimes at Different Scales: Implications in the Context of Precision Agriculture (M. Voltz). Modelling Non-stationary Spatial Covariance Structure from Space-time Monitoring Data (P. Monestiez, et al.). Ecological Constraints on the Ability of Precision Agriculture to Improve the Environmental Performance of Agricultural Production Systems (P. Groffman). Predicting Wheat Yields: The Search for Valid and Precise Models (V. Barnett, et al.). Geostatistics, Remote Sensing and Precision Farming (D. Mulla). Space-time Statistics for Decision Support to Smart Farming (A. Stein, et al.). Variability and Uncertainty in Spatial, Temporal and Spatiotemporal Crop-yield and Related Data (A. McBratney, et al.). Spatial Sampling (S. Thompson). GIS Support for Precision Agriculture: Problems and Possibilities (A. Bregt). Modelling for Precision Weed Management (M. Kropff, et al.). Optimal Mapping of Site-specific Multivariate Soil Properties (P. Burrough & J. Swindell). Uncertainty in Hydrogeological Modelling (J. G?mez-Hern?ndez). General Reflections (J. Bouma). Summary (R. Rabbinge). Indexes.