부모들의 태권도장 선정에 대한 의식조사

The purpose of this study is to inspect the important factors in each item respectively that should be considered when parents select a taekwondo gym, thereby to provide important data necessary to establish the marketing strategy of the taekwon gym`s management, and to suggest some plans to activate the taekwondo gym. Subjects of the research were 288 parents of Taekwondo trainees in Pusan area. The collected date was processed through the SPSS program. The collected date was executed the analysis of frequency and Chi-square. This study obtained the results as follows: 1. In the course through which have come to know the taekwondo gym, it appeared that the signboard of taekwondo gym was the highest. And in the canvassing person which taekwondo, it appeared that the hope of trainee was the highest. 2. In person influence upon decision of taekwondo gym, it appeared that mother was the highest. And in the trainee`s most significant motive in learning taekwondo, it appeared that physical strengh was the highest. 3. In deicision-making in selection of a taekwondo gym by the trainee`s parents, it appeard that the leader in the gym was a factor of first consideration. And regarding the content of education at the taekwondo gym, it appeared that education of etiquette was the highest. 4) In the trainee`s worry when they go to Taekwondo gym, It appeared that there is nothing to worry about anything was the highest. And in taekwondo training guidance, It appeared that master and instructor together guidance was the highest 5) In sex of taekwondo training guidance instructor, it appeared that man instructor was the highest. And in age of taekwondo training guidance instructor, it appeared that 26-30 age was the highest.