The Evolution Of Manufacturing: An Industry Case Study At Altech UEC South Africa (Pty) Ltd

South African businesses operating globally are facing many economic challenges.  This paper discusses Altech UEC South Africa’s evolution of manufacturing and the importance of adapting to survive.  This evolution entails changing facets of the business such as structure, systems and technology.  It requires implementing theories such as design for manufacture, changing the operational structure and the flow of processes, lean manufacturing concepts and investigating alternatives to reduce energy usage.  All of these strategies have the goal of reducing operating cost.  An industry case study on the rare event of a factory relocation project, combined with a focus on design for manufacture and importance of corporate culture is investigated.  Motivating for large financial expenses is a challenge with demands changing with the agility of the market and the necessity to stay financially viable against other emerging markets.  It is therefore such an achievement not just motivating for a factory relocation, but also the development and progress brought about by embracing it.