Integration of RFQ beam coolers and solenoidal magnetic fields.

Electromagnetic traps are a flexible and powerful method of controlling particle beams, possibly of exotic nuclei, with cooling (of energy spread and transverse oscillations) provided by collisions with light gases as in the Radio Frequency Quadrupole Cooler (RFQC). A RFQC prototype can be placed inside the existing Eltrap solenoid, capable of providing a magnetic flux density component B(z) up to 0.2 T, where z is the solenoid axis. Confinement in the transverse plane is provided both by B(z) and the rf voltage V(rf) (up to 1 kV at few MHz). Transport is provided by a static electric field E(z) (order of 100 V/m), while gas collisions (say He at 1 Pa, to be maintained by differential pumping) provide cooling or heating depending on V(rf). The beamline design and the major parameters V(rf), B(z) (which affect the beam transmission optimization) are here reported, with a brief description of the experimental setup.