With the phase-out of lead additives, refiners and fuel blenders are increasingly turning towards the use of alcohols and ethers, i.e. oxygenates, as gasoline blending components. Because they are not hydrocarbons and behave differently in terms of blending criteria, it is necessary to evaluate oxygenated supplements in blend with gasoline in order to define their scope and ensure market satisfaction. This paper contains a wide range of vehicle performance data on oxygenated fuel blends. Whilst it is not the intention to promote the use of oxygenated supplements, data will show that oxygenates can be successfully used as blending components without detriment to vehicle performance provided all performance characteristics are fully understood and fuels are fully formulated to meet existing gasoline specifications. In view of potential future engine developments, recommendations are made concerning performance areas that need further investigation. For the covering abstract see IRRD 860841.