Children's computer usage: are they at risk of developing repetitive strain injury?
The purpose of this study was to determine the average time school children spend on computers and electronic games, the positions they assume, and any associated discomfort related to their use. A twenty three-point questionnaire was distributed to 476 children in first to eighth grade from three parochial schools in one of the New York City boroughs. The findings of this study suggest that children use the computer and electronic games differently than adults and that more boys than girls engage in electronic game playing. Results clearly indicated that children are experiencing discomfort from the use of computers or electronic games, and that the discomfort is largely concentrated in the neck region. Occupational therapy could be instrumental in terms of educating the children, their parents/guardians, and their teachers on proper body mechanics, applications of ergonomically suited workstations, and the use of rest/stretch breaks while engaged in computing and electronic game playing.