For several decades, reverberation processors have been based on feedback delay networks that provide an efficient way to control the distribution of early reflections and the statistical properties of room reverberation. Their algorithmic architecture also allows for a flexible control through different levels of descriptors, from low-level signal processing parameters (e.g. initial delay, echo density, reverberation decay, etc.) to high-level perceptual descriptors (e.g. source presence, envelopment, reverberance, etc.). Nowadays, most reverberation units rather opt for a convolution approach exploiting a collection of room impulse responses (RIR) measured in existing performance halls or other typical rooms. To retrieve a continuous control over important perceptual dimensions, such reverberators also provide means for tweaking the original impulse response. However the tuning is generally limited to the control of the time envelope of the RIR, whereas little attention is given to the spatial distribution. The objective of this study is to develop a signal-processing environment dedicated to the analysis and re-synthesis of directional room impulse responses (DRIRs) measured with higher-order spherical microphone arrays. The analysis step results in a space-time-frequency representation of the DRIR from which various acoustical or perceptual descriptors can be extracted. During the re-synthesis step, filtering a given time-space-frequency window of the DRIR enables the tuning of these descriptors without altering the microstructure of the original DRIR.
Guillermo Garcia.
Optimal Filter Partition for Efficient Convolution with Short Input/Output Delay
E. Williams,et al.
Fourier Acoustics: Sound Radiation and Nearfield Acoustical Holography
Jean-Marc Jot,et al.
Real-time spatial processing of sounds for music, multimedia and interactive human-computer interfaces
Multimedia Systems.
B. Rafaely.
Plane-wave decomposition of the sound field on a sphere by spherical convolution
Jean-Marc Jot,et al.
Analysis and synthesis of room reverberation based on a statistical time-frequency model
Walter Kellermann,et al.
Localization of distinct reflections in rooms using spherical microphone array eigenbeam processing.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America.
Miller S. Puckette,et al.
Designing Multi-Channel Reverberators
Jean-Marc Jot,et al.
Digital Delay Networks for Designing Artificial Reverberators
Heinrich Kuttruff,et al.
Room Acoustics, Fourth Edition
Jacob Benesty,et al.
Audio Signal Processing for Next-Generation Multimedia Communication Systems
William G. Gardner,et al.
Efficient Convolution without Input/Output Delay