논에서 수수×수단그라스 교잡종 재배시 가축분뇨 이용이 생육특성, 수량, 사료가치 및 NO₃-N의 용탈에 미치는 영향
The experimental work was conducted to determine the growth characteristics, yield and feed value of sorghum-sudangrass hybrid and NO3-N leaching by application of various types of livestock manure (LM) at National Livestock Research Institute, Suwon, for 3 years (2003-3005). The growth characteristics in chemical fertilizer (CF) was better than others in general. The growth characteristic of sorghum-sudangrass hybrid by the various type of LM was good in order of composted swine manure (CSM) > liquid swine manure (LSM) > composted cattle manure (CSM), whereas the growth characteristics by application level of LM was good in order of LM 100% + CF 25% > LM 75% + CF 25% > LM 100%. Dry matter (DM) yield in LSM and CSM increased by 23% and 18% respectively while DM yield in CCM decreased 24% as compared to CF. Moreover total digestible nutrients (TDN) in LSM and CSM increased by 24% and 18% respectively while TDN in CCM decreased 12% as compared to CF. Crude protein and relative feed value in LM decreased compared to those in CF. NO₃-N leaching by application level of LM showed that there was an increase in order of LM 100% + CF 25% > LM 75% + CF 25% > LM 100%. Also the high concentration of NO₃-N occurred shortly after application of LM.