Parameter identification of framed structures using an improved finite element model‐updating method—Part II: application to experimental data

In this study, we determine an updated finite element model of a reinforced concrete building—which was damaged from shaking during 1994 Northridge earthquake—using forced-vibration test data and a novel model-updating technique. Developed and verified in the companion paper (viz. BVLSrc, Earthquake Eng. Struct. Dyn. 2006; this issue), this iterative technique incorporates novel sensitivity-based relative constraints to avoid ill conditioning that results from spatial incompleteness of measured data. We used frequency response functions and natural frequencies as input for the model-updating problem. These data were extracted from measurements obtained during a white-noise excitation applied at the roof of the building using a linear inertial shaker. Flexural stiffness values of properly grouped structural members, modal damping ratios, and translational and rotational mass values were chosen as the updating parameters, so that the converged results had direct physical interpretations, and thus, comparisons with common parameters used in seismic design and evaluation of buildings could be made. We investigated the veracity of the updated finite element model by comparing the predicted and measured dynamic responses under a second, and different type of forced (sine-sweep) vibration, test. These results indicate that the updated model replicates the dynamic behaviour of the building reasonably well. Furthermore, the updated stiffness factors appear to be well correlated with the observed building damage patterns (i.e. their location and severity). Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.