Wafer-scale functional circuits based on two dimensional semiconductors with fabrication optimized by machine learning

Triggered by the pioneering research on graphene, the family of two-dimensional layered materials (2DLMs) has been investigated for more than a decade, and appealing functionalities have been demonstrated. However, there are still challenges inhibiting high-quality growth and circuit-level integration, and results from previous studies are still far from complying with industrial standards. Here, we overcome these challenges by utilizing machine-learning (ML) algorithms to evaluate key process parameters that impact the electrical characteristics of MoS2 top-gated field-effect transistors (FETs). The wafer-scale fabrication processes are then guided by ML combined with grid searching to co-optimize device performance, including mobility, threshold voltage and subthreshold swing. A 62-level SPICE modeling was implemented for MoS2 FETs and further used to construct functional digital, analog, and photodetection circuits. Finally, we present wafer-scale test FET arrays and a 4-bit full adder employing industry-standard design flows and processes. Taken together, these results experimentally validate the application potential of ML-assisted fabrication optimization for beyond-silicon electronic materials.