A simple algorithm is described for enumerating all isomers of a toroidal polyhex fullerene (a boundless network of three-valent carbon atoms embedded in the surface of an imaginary torus where all the rings or faces are hexagons). An implementation for a PC is convenient for structures of at least 10 000 atoms in size. An extension of this program allows fast and automatic compilation of an adjacency matrix and derivation of a closed trigonometric expression yielding eigenvalues for all structures with fewer than 7200 atoms and, apparently, most others, although a few evaluations beyond this size are more complicated. The simplicity of a strictly polyhex toroidal structure means that, in marked contrast to many chemical enumerations, the total number of isomers increases at only a modest rate and (within the range surveyed) does not exceed approximately 30% of the number of atoms.
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Tilings of the torus and the Klein bottle and vertex-transitive graphs on a fixed surface
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Plants combat infection by gene silencing
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Yihan Shao,et al.
Topology and Stability of Trivalent Polyhedral Clusters
Haruo Hosoya,et al.
Multilayered Cyclic Fence Graphs: Novel Cubic Graphs Related to the Graphite Network
Journal of chemical information and computer sciences.
David E. Manolopoulos.
Comment on “Favourable structures for higher fullerenes”