Learning flexible task management by computer supported tele- and teamwork (abstract)

Successful management of “lean enterprises” will increasingly depend on flexibility and adaptability of organizing work. Autonomous teams which decide upon their self-organization and self-management according to the problem at hand seem to be particularly appropriate to meet changing requirements. It is the universities’ task to prepare students as soon as possible to cope with modem techniques for decentralized and cooperative work. A project at the University of Erlangen-Nuemberg is introduced. Its objective is to explore possibilities of computer supported teleand teamwork training. The project, which has been mnning for two years now, is sponsored by the Ministry of Science and by Siemens-Nixdorf Information Systems Inc. The main research questions being investigated are: . Which forms of team-oriented learning and working are appropriate and feasible at universities? ● How can these new forms of learning and working be realized and which hardand software systems are required? Beside this, the objective is to transfer our experiences concerning computer supported teleand teamwork to business organizations.