User's guide to EPIC, a computer program to calculate the motion of fuel and coolant subsequent to pin failure in an LMFBR

The computer code EPIC models fuel and coolant motion which results from internal fuel pin pressure (from fission gas or fuel vapor) and possibly from the generation of sodium vapor pressure in the coolant channel subsequent to pin failure in a liquid-metal fast breeder reactor. The EPIC model is restricted to conditions where fuel pin geometry is generally preserved and is not intended to treat the total disruption of the pin structure. The modeling includes the ejection of molten fuel from the pin into a coolant channel with any amount of voiding through a clad breach which may be of any length or which may extend with time. One-dimensional Eulerian hydrodynamics is used to treat the motion of fuel and fission gas inside a molten fuel cavity in the fuel pin as well as the mixture of two-phase sodium and fission gas in the coolant channel. Motion of fuel in the coolant channel is tracked with a type of particle-in-cell technique. EPIC is a Fortran-IV program requiring 400K bytes of storage on the IBM 370/195 computer. 21 refs., 2 figs.