Technological Innovation of Unpowered Operational Gearing

As industrial structures rapidly change and international competitive pressure becomes increasingly large, Taiwan's industries face a bottleneck of structural transformation and technological innovation. In addition, as the international oil price increases, the price of electricity goes up and production costs are continuously raised. As the European debt crisis continues to expand the deterioration of the global economy, how to reduce costs, improve the industrial competitiveness, rapidly react to market demands, improve customer service satisfaction, etc., to take the lead in global competition has become a priority. This study discussed the reactive force and operation of unpowered gear machines, including power generating parts and work parts. Therefore, in the operation process, there must be the application and receipt of [power and force]. This case study is used reactive force without the use of electricity or electrical equipment to work, transport, and generate the effects of delivery. Since unpowered devices are used to implement the normal operations of work machines, according to empirical processes, the basis of automation technology innovation can be provided, which feature the effects of energy conservation and time-saving. Keywords— Unpowered gearing, Technological innovation of automation