The Potential Effect of Maturing Technology Upon Future Seaplanes

Abstract : This study identifies viable, existing technologies that would potentially improve seaplane performance and evaluate the impact of the technology on seaplane design. Three conceptual seaplanes were created as the baseline for comparison. Two technology areas for drag reduction were investigated. The first area investigated the effect that the seaplane step has during the cruise portion of the flight. This was done by calculating the drag and performance of a seaplane with a fixed step and with a retractable step. The second area focused on weight reduction and improved aerodynamic performance through the use of an all composite structure. Other areas of interest included the effects to takeoff gross weight if the design payload or the design range was increased or decreased. The results and conclusions of this study can be found in sections 4 and 5 in this report. A brief discussion of additional technologies to be studied can be found in section 6 of this report.