Magnetresonanztomographie mit schneller STIR-Technik: Optimierung und Vergleich mit anderen Sequenzen an einem 0,5-Tesla-System

One disadvantage of the STIR sequence in MRI is its long acquisition time. A TR shortening for acceleration requires shortening of the inversion time depending upon the field strength. We optimized this "fast-STIR" technique at 0.5 T using calculations, phantom, volunteer, and patient measurements. This optimization procedure is transferable to other field strengths. The resulting sequence takes 4.5 minutes, fat is visualised signal-free. In the second part of our study we compared quantitatively and qualitatively the signal intensities, contrast, and sensitivity towards artifacts of this sequence with that of conventional SE and GRE sequences in 21 patients with neoplastic, inflammatory and traumatic disorders of the musculoskeletal system. The fast-STIR sequence showed similar or better lesion contrast as SE in 100% and as GRE in 88%. Decreased spatial resolution and higher sensitivity towards pulsatile artifacts of the fast-STIR sequence were only minor drawbacks.