Development of a Multispectral Signatures Database (MSD) for the Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception Design and Evaluation Environment (C2D2E2). Report 2. User's Manual

Abstract : This report summarizes the installation, data forms required, and the procedures for collecting the data required for the population of the Multispectral Signature Database (MSD) developed by the USAE Waterways Experiment Station (WES). The MSD is hosted on a 486 IBM PC and has undergone development in the ANSI C language. Raima Data Manager System III (RDM) was used as the underlying Database Management System. For image storage, a 24bit color Tagged Image File format (TIFF) was used due to the flexibility and support for this format. A single-user menu interface is provided for the management of the database. Some of the operational requirements that were defined for this user interface include: organizing and cataloging a large number of images; associating appropriate attribute, ground truth, and physical data with each image; associating images of the same scene in different spectral bands; and the ability to retrieve/display images and their respective data.