Scanning probe microscopy of functional materials : nanoscale imaging and spectroscopy

I. Emergent phenomena in strongly-correlated systems: H. Weitering (UTK) - Phase separation and novel quaziparticles in nanowires.- E.W. Plummer (UT/ORNL) - STM of ruthenates and manganites.- S. Davies (Cornell)/A. Yazdani (Princeton) - STM of superconductors.- C. Renner (Imperial college) - STM of cuprates.- II. Semiconductor and photovoltaic materials: Sidney Cohen (Weitzmann) - SPM of solar materials.- R. Goldman (U. Michigan)- Cross-sectional STM of semiconductor heterostructures.- David Ginger (U. Wash) - Charge dynamics in photovoltaic polymers.- III. Functional probing of biosystems and macromolecules: Dani Muller (Basel) - Molecular Imaging of biomembranes single molecules with electrically functionalized probes.- F. Sachs (SUNY)- AFM/patch clamp in biology.- J. Hafner - Electrical imaging of membranes.- T. Shaeffer/I. Kornev - Cell dynamics by Ion conductance microscopy.- M. Fujihira (U. Tokyo)/H.Yamada (Osaka U)- Ferroelectric polymers.- IV. SPM of magnetic materials: Andreas Heinrich (IBM-Almaden) - Spin manipulation by STM.- Rafi Budakian (Cornell)/Jon Rugar (IBM Almaden)- Magnetic Resonant Force Microscopy.- P. Grutter/R. Proksch - Magnetic Force Microscopy.- V. Electromechanics on the nanoscale: ferroelectrics and multiferroics: S. Kalinin/S. Jesse/R. Proksch (Asylum Research) - New dynamic modes and energy dissipation in SPM.- A. Kholkin (U. Aveiro) - Polarization dynamics in relaxor ferroelectrics.- B.J. Rodriguez /M. Alexe/S. Kalinin- Piezoresponse Force Spectroscopy.- A. Gruverman (UNL) - Polarization dynamics in capacitors and heterostructures.- VI. Mechanical properties: D. Hurley (NIST) - Nanomechanics by SPM.- U. Rabe and W. Arnold - Atomic Force Acoustic Microscopy of functional materials.- VII. Optical methods: L. Novotny (Rochester)- NSOM and NSOM-transport.- H. Hallen (NCSU) - NSOM.- H. Gaub - Optical machines and unfolding.- A. Sugawara - Optically-assisted pump-probe STM.- VIII. Emerging SPM applications: M. Tomitori - STM/NC-AFM.- Yasuo Cho (Tohoku) - Scanning Non-linear Dielectric Microscopy.- Maki Kawai - Vibrational spectroscopy of single molecule.- P. Weiss/Ekinchi - Ultrafast ac STM.- O. Lourie (Nanofactory)- SPM and electron microscopy combined.- O. Warren/T. Wyrobeck (Hysitron) - In-situ STEM-nanoindentation.- M. Bode/V. Rose/S. Streiffer (Argonne) - Material characterization by SPM-focused X-ray combination.