Water and Related Chemistry in the Solar System. A Guaranteed Time Key Programme for Herschel

Nicolas Thomas | Paul Hartogh | Hideo Sagawa | Geoffrey A. Blake | Bart Vandenbussche | M. Banaszkiewicz | Jean Manfroid | Emmanuel Lellouch | Thérèse Encrenaz | Sunil Sidher | David A. Naylor | Gary R. Davis | R. Lorente | Ganna Portyankina | C. Waelkens | B. M. Swinyard | Edwin A. Bergin | Christopher Jarchow | Nicolas Biver | Dominique Bockelée-Morvan | F. Bensch | F. Billebaud | M. I. Blecka | J. A. D. L. Blommaert | Thibault Cavalié | José Cernicharo | Régis Courtin | T. de Graauw | Emmanuel Jehin | L. M. Lara | Alexander S. Medvedev | Raphael Moreno | Miriam Rengel | Rudolf Schieder | G. Thornhill | E. Verdugo | Helen J. Walker | A. de Lange | Damien Hutsemekers | Dariusz C. Lis | M. Sanchez-Portal | T. Encrenaz | N. Thomas | G. Orton | J. Blommaert | H. Walker | P. Encrenaz | E. Bergin | F. Bensch | J. Cernicharo | C. Waelkens | P. Hartogh | C. Jarchow | E. Lellouch | M. Rengel | A. Medvedev | B. Swinyard | D. Lis | M. Banaszkiewicz | L. Lara | S. Szutowicz | B. Vandenbussche | F. Billebaud | N. Biver | G. Blake | L. Decin | T. Graauw | E. Jehin | M. Kidger | R. Lorente | D. Naylor | G. Portyankina | R. Schieder | S. Sidher | E. Verdugo | G. Davis | M. Küppers | M. Sanchez-Portal | A. D. Lange | R. Courtin | D. Bockelée-Morvan | J. Crovisier | R. Moreno | M. Blecka | T. Cavalié | H. Sagawa | J. Manfroid | P. J. Encrenaz | G. Thornhill | Michael Küppers | G. S. Orton | A. González | D. Hutsemékers | D. Stam | L. Decin | J. Crovisier | Slawomira Szutowicz | A. González | M. R. Kidger | Daphne M. Stam | M. Sánchez-Portal | D. Hutsemékers | A. González

[1]  P. Hartogh,et al.  Retrieval Simulations of Atmospheric Gases from Herschel observations of Titan , 2011 .

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[3]  E. Bergin,et al.  Observation of water vapor in the stratosphere of Jupiter with the Odin space telescope , 2008 .

[4]  Jena,et al.  Far-infrared spectra of hydrous silicates at low temperatures - Providing laboratory data for Herschel and ALMA , 2008, 0810.3109.

[5]  R. Yelle,et al.  Origin of oxygen species in Titan's atmosphere , 2008 .

[6]  E. Jehin,et al.  The 16OH/18OH and OD/OH isotope ratios in comet C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) , 2008, 0809.4300.

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[9]  T. Encrenaz Infrared Spectroscopy of Solar-System Planets , 2008 .

[10]  E. Grün,et al.  The E ring in the vicinity of Enceladus - I. Spatial distribution and properties of the ring particles , 2008 .

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[12]  P. Feldman,et al.  Atomic Deuterium Emission and the D/H Ratio in Comets , 2008 .


[14]  V. Krasnopolsky,et al.  Oxygen and carbon isotope ratios in the martian atmosphere , 2007 .

[15]  N. Biver,et al.  Radiative transfer simulation of water rotational excitation in comets. Comparison of the Monte Carl , 2007 .

[16]  Thierry Fouchet,et al.  Martian water vapor: Mars Express PFS/LW observations , 2007 .

[17]  M. Gurwell,et al.  SWAS observations of water vapor in the Venus mesosphere , 2007 .

[18]  P. Hartogh,et al.  Middle atmosphere polar warmings on Mars: Simulations and study on the validation with sub-millimeter observations , 2007 .

[19]  M. Manga,et al.  Pressurized oceans and the eruption of liquid water on Europa and Enceladus , 2007 .

[20]  Roberto Orosei,et al.  Cryovolcanic features on Titan's surface as revealed by the Cassini Titan Radar Mapper , 2007 .

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[22]  S. Kwok,et al.  Submillimetre observations of comets with Odin: 2001 - 2005 , 2006, astro-ph/0610779.

[23]  P. Hartogh,et al.  Winter polar warmings and the meridional transport on Mars simulated with a general circulation model , 2007 .

[24]  K. Keil,et al.  Protostars and Planets V , 2007 .

[25]  D. Strobel,et al.  On the HCN and CO2 abundance and distribution in Jupiter's stratosphere , 2006 .

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[28]  J. Connerney,et al.  Latitudinal variation of Saturn photochemistry deduced from spatially-resolved ultraviolet spectra , 2006 .

[29]  P. Hartogh,et al.  A new coupled 3D-model of the dynamics and chemistry of the martian atmosphere and some problems of the chemical modeling , 2006 .

[30]  P. Hartogh,et al.  On the winter anomaly of the night-to-day ratio of ozone in the middle to upper mesosphere in middle to high latitudes , 2006 .

[31]  Franck Lefèvre,et al.  Infrared imaging spectroscopy of Mars : H2O mapping and determination of CO2 isotopic ratios , 2005 .

[32]  Takeshi Kuroda,et al.  Description and climatology of a new general circulation model of the Martian atmosphere , 2005 .

[33]  T. Encrenaz,et al.  Wide-band observations of the 557 GHz water line in Mars with Odin , 2005 .

[34]  F. Forget,et al.  Modeling the annual cycle of HDO in the Martian atmosphere , 2005 .

[35]  E. Lellouch,et al.  A dual origin for Neptune's carbon monoxide? , 2005 .

[36]  D. Gautier,et al.  Formation and Composition of Planetesimals , 2005 .

[37]  J. Crovisier Comets and asteroids with the Herschel Space Observatory , 2005 .

[38]  Th. Encrenaza,et al.  Infrared imaging spectroscopy of Mars : H 2 O mapping and determinatio of CO 2 isotopic ratios , 2005 .

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[40]  Edwin A. Bergin,et al.  The Pure Rotational Line Emission of Ortho-Water Vapor in Comets. I. Radiative Transfer Model , 2004 .

[41]  Paul Hartogh,et al.  On the spatiotemporal behavior of ozone within the upper mesosphere/mesopause region under nearly polar night conditions , 2004 .

[42]  E. Bergin,et al.  Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite Monitoring of the Postperihelion Water Production Rate of Comet C/1999 T1 (MCNaught-Hartley) , 2004 .

[43]  Franck Lefèvre,et al.  Three-dimensional modeling of ozone on Mars , 2004 .

[44]  P. Drossart,et al.  Perennial water ice identified in the south polar cap of Mars , 2004, Nature.

[45]  R. Clancy,et al.  A measurement of the 362 GHz absorption line of Mars atmospheric H2O2 , 2004 .

[46]  P. Hartogh,et al.  The microwave brightness of planetary atmospheres-preparatory modeling for GREAT and HIFI , 2004 .

[47]  Pascale Ehrenfreund,et al.  From interstellar material to comet particles and molecules , 2004 .

[48]  J. Crovisier,et al.  The composition of cometary volatiles , 2004 .

[49]  M. Kidger Dust production and coma morphology of 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during the 2002–2003 apparition , 2003 .


[51]  S. Kwok,et al.  Observations of water in comets with Odin , 2003 .

[52]  T. Encrenaz,et al.  First detection of CO in Uranus , 2003 .

[53]  D. Bockelée-Morvan,et al.  Isotopic Abundances in Comets , 2003 .

[54]  Michael D. Smith The annual cycle of water vapor on Mars as observed by the Thermal Emission Spectrometer , 2002 .

[55]  P. Drossart,et al.  Carbon Monoxide on Jupiter: Evidence for Both Internal and External Sources , 2002 .

[56]  Helmut Feuchtgruber,et al.  The origin of water vapor and carbon dioxide in Jupiter's stratosphere , 2002 .

[57]  P. A. J. Englert,et al.  Distribution of Hydrogen in the Near Surface of Mars: Evidence for Subsurface Ice Deposits , 2002, Science.

[58]  J. Lunine,et al.  The origin of water on Mars , 2002 .

[59]  R. Jedicke,et al.  Debiased Orbital and Absolute Magnitude Distribution of the Near-Earth Objects , 2002 .

[60]  Post-perihelion SWAS Observations of Water Vapor in the Coma of Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee) , 2001 .

[61]  P. Feldman,et al.  Detection of Molecular Hydrogen in the Atmosphere of Mars , 2001, Science.


[63]  Frank Helmich,et al.  Herschel HIFI - the Heterodyne Instrument for the Far-Infrared , 2001 .

[64]  D. Gautier,et al.  A Two-dimensional Model for the Primordial Nebula Constrained by D/H Measurements in the Solar System: Implications for the Formation of Giant Planets , 2001 .

[65]  T. Encrenaz,et al.  The water vapor vertical distribution on mars from millimeter transitions of HDO and H218O , 2001 .

[66]  T. Encrenaz,et al.  The deuterium abundance in Jupiter and Saturn from ISO-SWS observations , 2001 .

[67]  M. J. Griffin,et al.  THE SPIRE INSTRUMENT FOR HERSCHEL , 2001 .

[68]  J. Crovisier COMETS AND ASTEROIDS WITH FIRST , 2001 .

[69]  M. Combi Hale-Bopp: What Makes a Big Comet Different? Coma Dynamics: Observations and Theory , 2002 .

[70]  B. Dubrulle,et al.  Constraints on the Formation of Comets from D/H Ratios Measured in H2O and HCN , 2000 .

[71]  M. Harwit,et al.  Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite Observations of Water Vapor toward Comet C/1999 H1 (Lee) , 2000 .

[72]  M. Gurwell,et al.  Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite Observations of Jupiter and Saturn:Detection of 557 GHz Water Emission from the Upper Atmosphere , 2000 .

[73]  M. Gurwell,et al.  Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite Observations of the Martian Atmosphere: Temperature and Vertical Distribution of Water Vapor , 2000 .

[74]  L. Leshin Insights into Martian water reservoirs from analyses of Martian meteorite QUE94201 , 2000 .

[75]  M. Dobrijevic,et al.  New photochemical model of Saturn’s atmosphere , 2000 .

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[78]  M. Holman,et al.  Planetary Impact Rates from Ecliptic Comets , 2000 .

[79]  A. Boss,et al.  Protostars and Planets VI , 2000 .

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[83]  P. Hartogh,et al.  Water vapor of the polar middle atmosphere: Annual variation and summer mesosphere Conditions as observed by ground‐based microwave spectroscopy , 1999 .

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