Evaluation of Applicability of Ultrathin Whitetopping in Florida

A three-dimensional (3-D) finite element model for stress analysis of pavements with ultrathin whitetopping (UTW) under critical loading conditions was developed. The 3-D model developed was used to analyze the UTW test pavement sections at the Ellaville Weigh Station in Florida, which had less than satisfactory performance. The poorly performing UTW sections at the Ellaville Weigh Station were found to have relatively higher maximum computed stresses under critical loading conditions, which appeared to explain their poor performance and high percentages of cracked slabs. The 3-D model developed was also used to perform a parametric analysis to determine the effects of asphalt thickness, asphalt modulus, concrete thickness, concrete modulus, base stiffness, subgrade stiffness, slab dimension, temperature differential in the concrete, and applied load on the maximum stresses in UTW pavements under typical Florida conditions.