Extraction of tissue optical properties from optical coherence tomography images for diagnostic purposes (Invited Paper)

The concept of optical coherence tomography (OCT) for high-resolution imaging of tissues in vivo is introduced. Analytical and numerical models for describing and understanding the light propagation in samples imaged by OCT systems are presented. An analytical model for calculating the OCT signal based on the extended Huygens-Fresnel principle and valid both for single and multiple scattering regimes is outlined. From this model, an algorithm for extracting tissue optical properties for multi-layered tissues is derived. The algorithm is first verified for various optical properties and geometries using solid phantoms and numerical simulations. The applicability of the algorithm for extraction of tissue optical properties is then demonstrated for vascular tissue samples ex vivo. With the use of data from numerical phantoms, the validity of the OCT extraction algorithm for a two-layer geometry is further supported. It is concluded that by using optical properties extracted from OCT images of human tissues, the clinical utility of OCT imaging can be substantially increased.