Since its founding, NASA has been dedicatedto the advancement of aeronautics and spacescience. The NASA Scientific and TechnicalInformation (STI) Program Office plays a keypart in helping NASA maintain thisimportant role.The NASA STI Program Office is operated byLangley Research Center, the lead center forNASA’s scientific and technical information.The NASA STI Program Office providesaccess to the NASA STI Database, thelargest collection of aeronautical and spacescience STI in the world. The Program Officeis also NASA’s institutional mechanism fordisseminating the results of its research anddevelopment activities. These results arepublished by NASA in the NASA STI ReportSeries, which includes the following reporttypes:• TECHNICAL PUBLICATION. Reports ofcompleted research or a major significantphase of research that present the resultsof NASA programs and include extensivedata or theoretical analysis. Includescompilations of significant scientific andtechnical data and information deemedto be of continuing reference value. NASAcounterpart or peer-reviewed formalprofessional papers, but having lessstringent limitations on manuscriptlength and extent of graphicpresentations.• TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM.Scientific and technical findings that arepreliminary or of specialized interest,e.g., quick release reports, workingpapers, and bibliographies that containminimal annotation. Does not containextensive analysis.• CONTRACTOR REPORT. Scientific andtechnical findings by NASA-sponsoredcontractors and grantees.• CONFERENCE PUBLICATION.Collected papers from scientific andtechnical conferences, symposia,seminars, or other meetings sponsored orco-sponsored by NASA.• SPECIAL PUBLICATION. Scientific,technical, or historical information fromNASA programs, projects, and missions,often concerned with subjects havingsubstantial public interest.• TECHNICAL TRANSLATION. English-language translations of foreign scientificand technical material pertinent toNASA’s mission.Specialized services that complement theSTI Program Office’s diverse offerings includecreating custom thesauri, building customizeddatabases, organizing and publishingresearch results . . . even providing videos.For more information about the NASA STIProgram Office, see the following:• Access the NASA STI Program HomePage at
Bernadette C. Messier,et al.
Effect of Pressure in Thermoplastic Ribbon Thermal Welding
F. Yuan,et al.
S. Güçeri,et al.
Thermal Analysis of in-situ Thermoplastic Composite Tape Laying
T. Gutowski,et al.
Review of methods for fusion bonding thermoplastic composites
Thomas P. Flanders,et al.
Performing Organization Name(s) and Address(es)
Ruel Vance Churchill,et al.
Modern operational mathematics in engineering
J. C. Jaeger,et al.
Conduction of Heat in Solids
Lisa C. Veitch,et al.
Assessment of the DARPA Affordable Polymer Matrix Composites Programs.
F. Faye,et al.
High Temperature Structural Foam
S. L. Semiatin,et al.
Elements of Induction Heating: Design Control and Applications