Predicting creativity from early to late adulthood: Intellect, potential, and personality

Abstract In 1950 (at age 27) a sample of 80 male graduate students was assessed on potential, intelligence–intellect, personality and creativity, and then personality and career outcome data were collected again at age 72. Intelligence (primary mental abilities, spatial, and number), intellect, potential, and personality (e.g., self-confidence, tolerance, openness, psychological mindedness, and introversion) at age 27 were expected to covary with creativity at age 27 and predict lifetime creativity at age 72. Yet, due to the non-intellective nature of personality, we predicted that personality would explain unique variance in creativity over and above that already explained by intellect and potential. Results supported each of these expectations. For instance, observer-rated potential and intellect at age 27 predicted lifetime creativity at age 72, and yet personality variables (such as tolerance and psychological mindedness) explained up to 20% of the variance over and above potential and intellect. Rank-order consistency coefficients revealed consistency over 44 years in some traits (e.g., psychological mindedness) and inconsistency in other traits (e.g, dominance). If traits function to lower behavioral thresholds in given situations, then the traits of self-confidence, openness, tolerance, and psychological mindedness (among others) may serve as a relatively direct link to creative behavior.

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