Propagation and radar measurements performed in Spino d'Adda and the Italian planning for the Alphasat TDP5 scientific experiment

This paper gives a summary of some propagation- and radar-measurements carried out (or to be carried out in the next future) in the Spino d'Adda station (near Milano) with particular emphasis on the ones utilizable to support some of the future advanced techniques known as Propagation Impairment Mitigation Techniques (PIMT) that will see the light in the next decade. In the past some measurements finalized to the PIMTs realization were mainly collected within the Italsat experiment (mm waves beacons, radar, raingauges) while, for the future, a campaign of measurements (to be performed in the frame of the Alphasat experiment) has been planned specifically with the purpose to enlarge the experimental basis of this activity, as absolutely necessary.