가로경관 이미지평가 어휘 구조에 관한 연구

The aim of this study is to put together the vocabulary of evaluation by looking at the research works on the existing streetscape image evaluation, and also to suggest the words suited for evaluation image of the streetscape by understanding the structure of vocabulary. First, this study attempted to put together the words used in evaluating the streetscape images through the consideration of the precedent research works. Next, this study was able to understand the structure between the evaluation words and analyze the words suited for evaluation of streetscape images using the practical evaluation and a wide range of analytical methods of the streetscape having several conditions through experiments. The results of this study was able to know that the patterns between words are roughly divided into four; a pair of related words evaluated in visual aspects, evaluated in psychological aspects, evaluated by activity, and evaluated by unity. Through this study, this researcher hopes that it could be the data helpful to selecting the suitable words for evaluation of streetscape images by understanding the structure of vocabulary used in the evaluation of streetscape images.