Ion-exchanged Er/Yb phosphate glass waveguide amplifiers and lasers

Characteristics of potassium ion exchanged channel waveguide amplifiers fabricated in a commercial phosphate glass with 1.65 wt% Er2O3 and 22 wt% Yb2O3 are reported. Comparison of measured small signal gain with theoretical results shows that the upconversion coefficient n the waveguides made in this glass is approximately 1.4 X 10-23 m3s-1. Theoretical investigations reveal that at 1.530 micrometers signal wavelength, 4.2 dB can be achieved in 1.0 cm long potassium ion exchanged channel waveguides when 120 mW pump power at 974 nm wavelength is used. Theoretical studies predict 42% slope efficiency with 45.5 mW threshold pump power in a 1.0 cm long potassium ion-exchanged waveguide lasers in this glass.