Treatment of hemangiomas with the strontium-90 beta-ray applicator.
Beta rays emanating from radium, radon, and radium D and E have been used for therapeutic purposes about the eye for many years. Recently the use of the strontium-90 beta-ray applicator was described in the treatment of superficial tumors of the eyelids and conjunctiva, vernal conjunctivitis, vascularization of the cornea, and corneal ulcers (1). Since beta rays penetrate only a few millimeters of tissue, many hemangiomas of the “strawberry mark” variety, being quite superficial, seemed to be suitable for treatment with this form of radiation. Strontium 90 is especially useful, since it fulfills all the criteria of ideal beta-ray therapy, that is, a long half-life (twenty years, so that frequent replenishment is unnecessary), energetic beta particles which permit sufficient penetration of tissue, absence of gamma rays, affording ease of protection, and ease of manipulation. Since 1952 we have treated several superficial hemangiomas quite successfully with the strontium-90 applicator. Because the applicato...