Installation of Ultra-Heavy Duty Steel Tubular Piles for Caofeidian Crude Oil Terminal for Vessels up to 300000 dwt
Caofeidian Crude Oil Terminal for vessels up to 300 000 dwt is founded on steel tubular piles with a diameter of 1.8 m,lengths from 64.5 m to 77 m,and weights from 81.37 t to 94.51 t,which have been the heaviest so far in China.The paper describes the selection of the pile hammers and the floating pile drivers as well as the technical performance of the pile hammers and the floating pile drivers;arrangement of hoisting points on the steel tubular piles and stress calculations;and procedure for installation of the piles.The optimized technology for driving of the steel tubular piles facilitates the smooth completion of the installation of the steel tubular piles with ultra lengths and weights and the quality of pile installation came up to the level of excellence.