An introduction to Vygotsky

N.J. Minick, The Development of Vygotsky's Thought: An Introduction, Thinking and speech. J.V. Wertsch, P.E. Tul'viste, L.S Vygotsky and Contemporary Developmental Psychology. J. Valsiner, R. Van der Veer, On the social Nature of Human Cognition: an Analysis of the Shared Intellectual Roots of George Herbert Mead and Lev Vygotsky Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour. A. Kozulin, The Concept of Activity in Soviet psychology: Vygotsky, His Disciples and His Critics. J. A. Cheyne, D. Tarulli, Dialogue, Difference and the "Third Voice" in the Zone of Proximal Development, Theory and Psychology. J. Lave, E. Wenger, Practice, Person and Social World. Y. Engestroem, Non-scolae Sed Vitae Discimus: Toward Overcoming the Encapsulation of School Learning, Learning and Instruction. D. Bakhurst, Social Memory in Soviet Thought. M. Cole, Putting Culture in the Middle. M. Hedegaard, The Zone of Proximal Development as Basis for Instruction. C.D. Lee, Signifying in the Zone of Proximal Development. A. Sullivan Palinscar, Social Constructivist Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Annual Review of Psychology.