자연흡기식 디젤 기관의 연소와 매연 배출 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

We made a selection of engine operating conditions in the natural aspiration type diesel engine as load and speed. The effects on the power, smoke emission and cylinder pressure characteristics of these variations in operating conditions were observed experimentally. Also, the smoke emission was predicted by using the An-henius equation and empirical equation of the smoke emission was made. At the same time, the correlations between the combustion and smoke emission characteristic were examined. From the above results, it is clear that to prevent power dropping and to decrease exhaust fume when the conditions are changed, one should improve the intake system. To do this, the best way is to lower the air-fuel mixing ratio. We found that the parameters of the indicated mean effective pressure, maximum pressure and its location and combustion duration, etc. change the motion in accordance with the conditions described above. Also, we found that the variation of the pressure cycle comes from an amplified variation of the early part of process. From the analysis of comparing combustion and exhaust fume, the exhaust fume is produced at the latter time of combustion and decreased when the combustion ratio is higher. Also, we developed a special formula which can predict the exhaust fume value according to the engine load and speed.