Handbook of Cyanobacteria

TAXONOMY, PHYLOGENY AND EVOLUTION Taxonomy. Phylogeny. Evolution of Bacteria and Cyanobacteria. The other side of the coin. GENOMES Methods. Genomes Sequenced. Categories of Genes. Phylogenomics. AKINETES Akinete differentiation. Factors affecting Akinete differentiation. Akinete germination. Akinete Germination in relation to bloom development. HETEROCYST Morphology. Ultrastructure. Biochemical composition. Permeability to gases. Respiratory activity. Cyanophycin. Development. Mutants defective in heterocyst development and nitrogen fixation. Genes essential during development. Signalling molecules. Cell division. Pattern formation. Genes regulating the pattern. Nitrogen fixation. Other functions. MOVEMENTS Types of movements. Phototaxis. CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS Early studies. Choice of experimental organism. Circadian clock. Input pathways. Output pathways. Kai genes in other cyanobacteria. Origin and evolution of Kai genes. SYMBIOSIS Sponges. Echiuroid worms. Corals. Ascidians. Algae. Fungi. Bryophytes. Azolla. Cycads. Gunnera. Phylogeny of Nostoc strains across all symbioses. CYANOPHAGES Nomenclature and classification. Freshwater cyanomyoviruses. Freshwater cyanosiphoviruses. Freshwater cyanopodoviruses. Cyanophages of uncertain identity. Stability. Adsorption. Phage development. Role of freshwater cyanophages in the control of cyanobacterial blooms. Mutational studies on freshwater cyanophages. Marine cyanophages. Lysogeny. Role of cyanophages in marine ecosystem. CYANOBACTERIAL TOXINS Hepatotoxins. Neurotoxins. Dermatotoxins. Cyanobacterial lipopolysaccharides. Other miscellaneous toxins. Detection and analysis. Occurrence of harmful algal blooms. Methods of cyanobacterial toxin removal. Guidelines for safer limits. Protocols for water treatment. STRESS RESPONSES Salt stress. Temperature stress. Oxidative stress. Desiccation.