Does volume catheter parallel conductance vary during a cardiac cycle?

Absolute left ventricular volume measurement by the conductance (volume) catheter requires subtraction of the conductance contribution from structures extrinsic to the cavity blood pool. Previously, this parallel conductance volume (Vp) has been assumed constant throughout the cardiac cycle, and the technique described for its estimation in situ yields a single value. We present a new method for parallel conductance determination that yields multiple estimates during systole, enabling an assessment of Vp variability [Vp(t)]. For isolated blood-perfused ejecting canine left ventricles with empty (vented) right ventricles, Vp(t) displayed virtually no variation throughout systole. For in situ hearts, despite the presence of other cardiac chambers, Vp(t) also displayed little variation, with no statistically significant deviation from its mean value throughout systole. Volume signal simulations found the new technique to be less sensitive to signal noise and thus more robust than the one previously published. The isolated and in situ heart data indicate that for the left ventricle, the parallel conductance is relatively constant throughout normal ejection.