Two filed experiments were conducted at San ElHagar , El-Sharqia Governorate ,Egypt in two successive growing seasons of 2015/2016 and 2016/2017 to investigate the effect of some sowing methods (broadcast and drill ) and some weed control treatments(Thirteen weed control treatments were used as follows:1Unweeded (control),2Hand weeding once , 3Granstar ,4-Topik 5Panter, 6Ballas ,7Tournex ,8Granstar + Panter,9-Topik+panter ,10Granstar + Ballas,11-Topik +Ballas,12Granstar +Tournex and 13-Topik +Tournex ). on associated weed species and wheat productivity .The obtained results showed that drill sowing method gave the lowest total dry weight of annual weeds and the highest number of spikes /m 2 , grain weight / spike , grain yield / feddan and straw yield / fed . Spraying wheat plants with mixed herbicide from Topik +Tournex gave the lowest total dry weight of annual weeds, on the contrary, it the highest values of number of spikes/m 2 , grain weight of spike (g) , grain yield per feddan (ardab) as well as straw yield per feddan( ton) . Sowing wheat with drill method and treated with Topik +Tournex treatment gave the lowest total dry weight of annual weeds, on the other hand , it gave the highest values of number of spikes/m 2 , grain weight of spike (g) , grain yield per fed ( ardab) as well as straw yield per fed ( ton). INTRODUCTION Wheat (Triticum aestivum, L.) is considered as one of the important cereal crops in Egypt and all over the world used in human food and animal feed. Nowadays, increasing wheat production is the first important step of the Egyptian strategic aims to bridge the gap between wheat production and consumption. Such increase is likely to be achieved by increasing wheat cultivated areas and growing high yielding varieties combined by optimizing various agricultural practices. The intensive competition between wheat and Egyptian clover as well as sugar beet during the winter season ceils the possibility of more extension in wheat cultivated area in the old land. New reclaimed soils Egypt. J. of Appl. Sci., 35 (11) 2020 132-143
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Weeds Population Studies and Wheat Productivity as Influenced by Different Sowing Techniques and Herbicides
Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research.
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Effect of sowing methods and seed rates on wheat yield and water productivity
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Response of wheat growth characteristics to various tillage practices and sowing methods under semi arid environment
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Weed biomass and economic yield of wheat ( Triticum aestivum ) as influenced by chemical weed control under rainfed conditions
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