The influence of the method of applying a smearing layer on the surface characteristics of steel X12CrNiTi18-10 after laser alloying

A comparative analysis of the influence of the method of applying a smearing layer of graphite paste and anatase powder on the morphology and hardness of stainless chromium-nickel steel X12CrNiTi18-10 was carried out. It has been established that for hardening the surface of stainless steel it is advisable to use a smearing consisting of two layers: 1 - graphite paste and 2 - anatase nanoparticles powder. Laser pulsed doping of the surface with the specified coating structure allows forming a hardened modified layer with a thickness of 60 μm on steel, with a hardness value of up to 6 ±0.1 GPa with a total porosity of 44%.