The sequencing of the antibody repertoire (Rep-seq) revolutionized the diversity of antigen B cell receptor studies, allowing deep and quantitative analysis to decipher the role of adaptive immunity in health and disease. Particularly, horse (Equus caballus) polyclonal antibodies have been produced and used since the century XIX to treat and prophylaxis of diphtheria, tuberculosis, tetanus, pneumonia, and, more recently, COVID-19. However, our knowledge about the horse B cell receptors repertories is minimal. We present a deep horse antibody heavy chain repertoire (IGH) characterization of non-immunized horses using HTS technology. In this study, we obtained a mean of 248,169 unique IgM clones and 66,141 unique IgG clones from four domestic adult horses. Rarefaction analysis showed sequence coverage was between 52 and 82% in IgM and IgG isotypes. We observed that besides horses antibody can use all of the functional IGHV genes, around 80% of their antibodies use only three IGHV gene segments, and around 55% use only one IGHJ gene segment. This limited VJ diversity seems to be compensated by the junctional diversity of these antibodies. We observed that the junctional diversity in horses antibodies is highly frequent, present in more than 90% of horse antibodies. Besides this, the length of this region seems to be higher in horse antibodies than in other species. N1 and N2 nucleotides addition range from 0 to 111 nucleotides. In addition, around 45% of the antibody clones have more than ten nucleotides in both N1 and N2 junction regions. This diversity mechanism may be one of the most important in providing variability to the equine antibody repertoire. This study provides new insights regarding horse antibody composition, diversity generation, and particularities compared to other species, such as the frequency and length of N nucleotide addition. This study also points out the urgent need to better characterize TdT in horses and in other species to better understand antibody repertoire characteristics.

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