Esame delle caratteristiche tipologiche e del danneggiamento del patrimonio edilizio di San Giuliano di Puglia

After the october-november 2002 Molise (Italy) earthquake a team of researchers of the Universities of Basilicata and of Naples surveyed the building stock of San Giuliano collecting data on the structural and damage characteristics. The data were collected by using an upgraded version of the AeDES form, typically used in Italy after a seismic event to evaluate the building usability, and the new MEDEA form (Dolce, Masi and Zuccaro, 2003). Also, a GIS representation of these data was made. After a brief description of the forms used in the survey, the main results of the analysis of data in terms of types characteristics, vulnerability and damage distribution are presented in both quantitative and qualitative way. Finally, by means of the quantitative analysis of damage and of the geology characteristics of soil, an evaluation of the local seismic amplification responsible of the greater damage found in some areas of San Giuliano di Puglia, is made.