Simplified Kingery Airblast Calculations
Abstract : In July 1980, the Department of Defense Explosives Safety Board (DDESB) Explosive Safety Standard DOD 6055.9-STD became linked with or referenced to the 1966 Kingery Hemispherical TNT Surface Burst airblast compilation. In 1984, a revised Kingery compilation was released. The 1984 Kingery paper presented the compiled airblast parameters in terms of high order polynomials. Since its adoption by the DDESB, questions have been raised about this compilation. Questions such as What is it? What are its limitations? What should I know about it to use it properly? This paper presents the same results in terms of simplified polynomials with the results accurate to within 1% of the original Kingery values. The paper also describes the background and basis of the Kingery Standard -- what it is as well as what it is not. Moreover, it provides guidance on its limitations and applicability.