[Prognostic value of haematocrit in cases of severe EPH gestosis (author's transl)].

Haematocrit values were determined in 48 of 65 women hospitalised for severe EPH gestosis in 1979. Values in excess of 38 per cent were recorded from two thirds of the probands. An unambiguous correlation also was found to exist between gestosis severity, as reflected in gestosis index, and haematocrit values. False negative findings were obtained merely from mild cases, whereas false positive findings could be eliminated by repetitive measurement and resulting trend projection. -- Correlations were found to exist also between foetal outcome and elevated blood viscosity. These findings were likely to suggest that while classical gestosis symptoms might be aggravated by rise in haemoconcentration, via reduced perfusion resistance and increased peripheral vascular resistance, such higher haemoconcentration might deserve more attention for prognostication.