Handbook of ecosystem theories and management

Preface Fundamentals and Empirical Foundations Ecosystems as Complex Systems, S.E. Jorgensen and F. Muller Ecosystem Structure, F. Galley Ecosystems as Functional Entities, F. Muller and W. Windhorst Uncertainty in Ecology and Ecological Modeling, B. Breckling and Q. Dong Fundamentals of Ecosystem Theory from General Systems Analysis, A. Gnauck Ecosystem Research, O. Franzle Ecological Modeling: Systems Analysis and Simulation, W. Grant, E.K. Pedersen, and S.L. Marin Different Approaches in Recent Ecosystem Theory A General Outline of Thermodynamic Approached to Ecosystem Theory, S.E. Jorgensen Ecosystems as Self-Organizing Holarchic Open Systems: Narratives and the Second Law of Thermodynamics, J.Kay The Tentative Fourth Law of Thermodynamics, S.E. Jorgensen Ecosystems as Subjects of Self-Organizing Processes, F. Muller and S.N. Nielsen Emergent Properties of Ecosystems, S.N. Nielsen and F. Muller Ecosystems as Information Systems, S.N. Nielsen Ecosystems as Cybernetic Systems, S.E. Jorgensen and M. Straskraba Ecosystems as Hierarchical Systems, S.Hari and F. Muller Ecosystems as Energetic Systems, H.T. Odum, M.T. Brown, and S. Ulgiati Ascendancy: A Measure of Ecosystem Performance, R.E. Ulanowicz Ecosystems as Dynamic Networks, C. Pahl-Wostl Ecosystem Theory: Network Environ Analysis, B.D. Fath and B.C. Patten Stability Concepts in Ecology, Y. Svirezhev Resilience in Ecological Systems, L.H. Gunderson, C.S. Holling, and G.D. Peterson Continuity and Discontinuity in Ecological Systems, G. Bendoricchio Ecosystems as Chaotic Systems, S.E. Jorgensen Ecosystems as States of Ecological Successions, K. Dierssen Ecosystems on the Landscape: The Role of Space in Ecosystem Theory, R.V. O'Neill Towards a Unifying Theory, S.E. Jorgensen and F. Muller Application of Ecosystem Theoretical Aspects Conservation Biology, K. Dierssen Applications of Ecological Theory and Modeling to Assess Ecosystem Health, D. Rapport and R. Moll Hedging Our Bets: The Utility of Ecological Integrity, J. Barkmann and W. Windhorst Sustainability: Application of Systems Theoretical Aspects to Societal Development, H. Bossel Ecological Engineering, S.E. Jorgensen and W. Mitsch Ecosystems and Economic Theories in Ecological Economics, R. Costanza, C. Cleveland, and C. Perrings Ecological Orientors: A Path to Environmental Applications of Ecosystem Theories, F. Muller and S.E. Jorgensen