Summary Our analysis of the contribution of Cyc this year showed that the major limiting factor is still in the area of coverage. Major manual effort is required both to generate appropriate semantic forms and to map to Cyc’s predicates, and also to add instance information into Cyc. With the current state of the system, Cyc helps more to improve our answer confidences (not a part of the evaluation this year) than to get answers right. The major novelty in our system this year was the implementation of QA-by-Dossier to answer Definition questions. Here, a collection of predetermined factoid questions are asked about the subject in order to gather facts that seem to be typically mentioned in definitional articles in newspapers and reference works. An advantage of this method over others which locate definitional syntactic constructs is that our system “knows” the nature of the relationship of the retrieved item to the subject. In the evaluation, we felt that our system had performed relatively well according to our expectations of what was required, but we were very disappointed to find that the NIST assessors had different opinions regarding acceptable answers.